90% people travel to Ha giang Loop Do Motorbike tour and some people go to ha giang loop by car, Motorbike is one of the best way to visit Ha Giang Loop but it seem be tire some time if you are scare about motorbike this will be not good idea, if you take by car, car it not open so you only sit on the car can not see all of the view this you will feel boring and a lot of ride
so we see jeep will be one of the best option beside Motorbike for you to see the loop, on the back of open air jeep what do you get? this tour si the fancy tour, and many people look at you and say wow, JEEP ! you will come another level of tourist look authentic, look fancy, look beautiful, look different, look you are the boss, look you are rich person, many feeling give you on the jeep tour, and the most importain Ha Giang Jeep Tour give you amazing trip to sit on the back of our jeep you can see over view of the landscape

Ha Giang Jeep Tour give windy come though give you cool and feel fun, and safe, you can see all of the beautiful and all of the beautiful places no need to stop like car or motorbike, on the open air jeep you can stand up to see
so if you would like to have great experience lets do this Ha Giang Jeep Tour